Monday, April 16, 2018


Introduction to Human Resource Management 
The success of any kind of organization depends on the quality of its human resources. Actually the human resources are the most important and the valuable asset that every organization has in the form of its employees. Dynamic, competent and motivated human resources build dynamic organization and enable organization to achieve its goals very easily.
Considering the concept of Human Resource Management (HRM), we can identify it as an operation in companies which designed to maximize employee performance in order to meet the employer's strategic goals and objectives.
      A Definition to Human Resource Management

As described by Armstrong (2014), Human resource management (HRM) is a comprehensive and coherent approach to the employment and development of people as well as described that HRM can be regarded as a philosophy about how people should be managed, which is underpinned by a number of theories relating to the behavior of people and organizations.
Bratton & Gold (2007) identified and described HRM as a strategic approach to managing employment relations which emphasizes that leveraging people’s capabilities is critical to achieving competitive advantage, while this being achieved through a distinctive set of integrated employment policies, programs and practises.

According to Decenzo and Robbins, “HRM is concerned with the people dimension” in management. As they stated, since each and every every organization is made up of people, while they are acquiring services, developing their skills, motivating them to higher levels of performance and ensuring that they continue to maintain their commitment to the organization is essential to achieve organizational objectives.

According to Dessler (2009) can described that Human Resource Management is the policies and the practises involves in caring out the people or human resource aspects of a management position including recruiting, screening, training, rewarding and appraising.

This proves Human Resource management concept has been defined by many scholars over the years giving different explanation to the title but the core meaning of the human resource management deals with how to manage people or employees in the organization. 
In the modern world HRM plays a major role as identifying Human Resource Management is an important function of any organization. Actually HRM is a real approach which organization can utilize the manpower not only for the benefits of the organization but for the growth, as well as development and self-satisfaction of the concerned people. Thus, simply HRM is a system that focuses on human resources development on one hand and effective management of people on the other hand so that people will enjoy human dignity in their employment.


Armstrong, 2014. Armstrong’s Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice. London: Koganpage.
          Bratton & Gold (2007) Human Resource Management, Theory and Practice, 6th Edition. 
          David A. Decenzo, Stephen P. Robbins (2013), Fundamentals of Human resource management
Dessler, G (2005) Human Resource Management, Pearson, 13th ed., USA 
Edgar H. Schein (2004) Organizational culture and Leadership, 4th edition 


  1. Good start, pay attention to stay within 300 to 350 words as instructed by Dr Jaldeen..Make reference for the chart, you have taken to this blog

  2. Good referencing.Nicely explain and well organized.keep it up

  3. Good Referencing and nicely arranged

  4. Very good start sachitra. Clearly point out the discretion.keep it up good work.

  5. can u delete the section on culture and please go by pages 9-12 of the managing people guide and ensure it is within that world count exceed by 500 words stick to only 300-350 please and rewrite

    1. Thank you very much Dr. For your valuable advices. Did the corrections as per your advices.

  6. Essay is aligned with the topic. Good references

  7. Good writing, with the latest referencing.

  8. Perfect introduction. Hope to see more of this sort to undestand what is HRM.

  9. Rich article with information and referencing

  10. Good content and well explained article..

  11. I like the conclusion very much.This is a comprehensive flow of content.



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