Sunday, June 24, 2018


As many researches described, Learning and Development (L&D) can be identified as an organizational process and various terms such as “training and development”, “employee development” and “human resource development” had been established to describe the field Learning and Development.

Chartered Institute of Personnel Development (CIPD) in 2015, had produced a set of professional standards for identifying the purpose of L&D as an organizational process as well as to describe its importance regarding to the business.

CIPD (2012) defined L&D as a critical organizational process of developing people by connecting with L&D processes, operations and relationships which leads to enhance the organizational effectiveness and sustainability for the business as well as to heightened the personal competence, better adaptability and employability towards the individuals.

Challenges for L&D in organizations from today’s Perspective

According to the survey conducted by CIPD in 2015 among the private and public sector organizations with more than 800 CEOs, Human Resource directors and the managers, were able to found that there are broad and far- reaching L&D challenges of reorganizations occurred today and the survey indicated that 40 % of these initiatives fail to attain their objectives in implementing a L&D culture in the organization (CIPD, 2015). 

Considering the modern organizations, many researches highlighted the challenges facing when implementing L&D practices through the organizations. According to Harrison.R (2009) , L&D has an ethical dimension which means a great concern to the organization. As he stated external forces such as media, globalization, stakeholders, legislation, talent war and environmental concerns are forcing the organizations to consider the diversity and impartiality along with the economic accountability as the bottom line for the L&D practices.

Various L&D interventions such as appraisal, career management and development, coaching, mentoring, e- learning, peer group learning were identified from many studies. According CIPD (2015), coaching is the most popular method of L&D. According to the 10th annual survey of CIPD, 71 % of the employers in UK use coaching in their respective organizations while identifying coaching as an effective L&D tool. From that survey, it is identified that 79% of the organizations implemented coaching for their employees for the purpose of personal development and for handling the issue of poor performance.

According to the Association of Talent Development data collection it is identified that organizations invested 34.1 hours per person on L&D in 2016. According to their research, the most important thing is to considering and maximizing the return in training investment. From that research they highlighted their recommendations to support organizational L&D strategy as to develop the required technical skills for today & develop leadership capacity at all Levels of the organization. (Forbes, 2018).


Chartered Institute of Personnel and development, 2015. Learning and development Annual Survey Report. The Chartered Institute Of Personnel and Development, London.

Chartered Institute of Personnel and development, 2012. Learning and talent development- Annual Survey Report. The Chartered Institute Of Personnel and Development, London.

Forbes, 2018. Six Learning And Development Trends To Embrace For Maximum ROI. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 20 June 2018].

Harrison.R (2009) Learning and Development, 5th edn, London, CIPD


  1. interesting topic. well structured according to the topic. keep it up...

  2. it is far-sighted and moreover you have addressed it critically

  3. Always keep in mind about the word count. But it educates us very much showing the future as well. Great work

  4. Excellent references.Good essay.

  5. Informative and well written essay. Good job Sachithra

  6. Informative essay on L&D but lacks punch in types of L&D and the changing nature of it, new trends and implications such as a tendency to reduce spending in bad times. However appreciate good work and nice write up.

    1. Thank you very much Dr. for your valuable comment.

  7. good essay with few examples,keep it up, good luck

  8. Excellent write-up. keep up the good work

  9. Saw a difference in fonts at the middle.Please check.Good essay though.



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